Hotel Klárov Prague


Asten Hotels company took hotel Klárov in lease in February 2014. This whole year was dedicated to give a brand new identity to this hotel thanks to its reconstruction with the aim to address a new segment of customers. As a partner for change of design, the company Sculpt s.r.o. was chosen, lead by the architect David Toepper. In 2015 the first phase of room reconstruction was finished with a light modern design and with subtext of music themes. On the hotel room walls, our guests can read the stories of the famous singers and music bands, which performed in the last quarter century in Prague, names like Madonna, Beyoncé, Sting, Rolling Stones or Joan Baez. Three maisonette suits are dedicated to tenors of renowned names as Andrea Bocelli, José Carreras and Plácido Domingo.


  • In 2016 the improvements of hotel garden, breakfast restaurant and Club Lounge were finished. 
  • The change in concept of the hotel resulted above all in:
  • Significant enhancement of return and hotel profit
  • Addressing a new target group – more company guests, embassy etc. This decreased the dependence on the tourist segment 
  • Enclosure in Prague City Louis Vuitton Guide 
  • A completely new image in the sector of tourist industry 


Current status

Hotel Klárov je dnes vnímán jako s excelletními službami, což se projevuje na výborných hodnoceních hostů, velkým počtem stálých hostů a v neposlední řadě stabilními ekonomickými ukazateli. 


Jiří Gajdošík
managing partner

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